Thursday, October 16, 2008


Stargirl Jerry Spinelli
2000 * p. 186 * YA Realistic Contemporary

Leo is a typical, fairly popular, high school student in Arizona. His life seems normal until Stargirl walks into his life. Stargirl (yes, that is her name) has been homeschooled before coming to Mica High School. She wears pioneer dresses, plays her ukulele at lunch, know everyone's birthday and sings them "Happy Birthday" at school, has a pet rat that rides along in her purse, and is totally friendly.

Everyone thinks she is just strange and fascinating at first. Soon she becomes the most popular girl in school.

"How did it happen? ... Was it the cheerleading?...The last football game of the season was her first as a cheerleader. The grandstand was packed: students, parents, alumni. Never had so many people come to a football game to see a cheerleader.

She did all the regular cheers and routines. And more. In fact, she never stopped cheering...She ran straight across the fifty-yard line and joined the other team's cheerleaders. We laughed as they stood there with their mouths open. ... At halftime she played her ukulele with the band" (8).

But everyone's enthusiasm for her fades as her wild and unpredicatable nature is still an enigma. They can't figure her out. She is now an outcast. Leo is drawn to her still, however, and when Stargirl gives him a Valentine card telling him she loves him, his world changes forever. But now Leo must struggle between becoming an individual himself or keeping to the status quo.

The novel was charming. It was innocent. Stargirl is eccentric but genuine. She does nothing but good. She is constantly doing service for others, most of the time complete strangers. She never thinks of herself.

Stargirl is utimately about individuality and acceptance.

-Reading level: grade 8 & up

-Easy, fast and uncomplicated read

-Themes of individuality, acceptance, service, popularity, first love, selflessness

-Completely appropriate for all readers

I would reccommend this book to any, and all readers. I believe there is also a sequel: Love, Stargirl. I haven't read it yet, but I plan on it.

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