Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jake Meets California

Jake and I enjoyed a little vacay the past week and a half. If you can believe it, Jake had never met most of his family in California. It was just plain unacceptable. So we hopped on a plane to meet the fam! And when I say hopped I mean it was a stress-ful! Getting through security, taking apart and putting back together a complicated stroller MULTIPLE times, changing icky diapers with your elbows practically pinned to your sides while your baby slides around a precarious airplane changing station, sitting ramrod straight for a good hour holding your babys outstretched arms up so he can sleep on your lap like superman and worrying the entire time that any minute your son could have meltdown and your fellow passengers will start chanting, "throw them overboard!!" yeah.

But... Jake was an angel. Honestly, this boy is wonderful. He laughed and talked and slept and cuddled and smiled smiled smiled at everyone: the Indian doctor sitting next to us who even held him for a minute, the flight attendants, the pilot who advised me to feed him on take off so his ears wouldn't get plugged, the ladies behind us, everyone and anyone. He's a gem.

And the apple of my family's eye because they loooovvvveed him. Obviously. :) We had a great time. Jake had plenty of eager hands to hold him and entertain him. And I had some time to get pampered and rest. As always, California is synonymous with wonderfulness.

Jake saw his buddy Dave Figgat off right before his 508 mile bike race (uh wow.)

We went to Lombardis Ranch for some pumpkins! (where Jake connected with his middle eastern roots :)

Jake sat in his bumbo and discovered cartoons.

And he was cuddled and kissed and watched over by many.

See ya in a few weeks familia!

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